momnyanabil, iya UHT buat >1th, berarti kalo <1th jangan dulu kasih susu lain selain asip/sufornya..dan lupain jauh2 deh resep pake santen itu, hehe.
tari quenell, kalo baca di :
Who is Most at Risk of Nitrate Poisoning?
People who have private wells have the highest risk for nitrate exposure. Babies under the age of 6 months old are most at risk and babies under the age of 3 months old even more so.
Babies who are over the age of 6 months old have developed the stomach acids necessary to fight the bacteria that helps nitrate conversion and subsequent nitrate poisoning. Infants who are formula fed and live on farms or in highly agricultural areas may also be at greater risk. Nitrates used in farming, and the excess not taken in by the crop itself, easily run-off and may seep into water tables, contaminating water supplies.
The AAP recommends NOT preparing these foods <carrots et al> for a baby who is younger than 3 (three) months old.
It is important to note that the odds of your baby getting "Blue Baby Syndrome" nitrate poisoning from Carrots or other veggies is about 0%. Yes it's true, the odds of your baby getting nitrate poisoning from homemade baby food are 0% - zero percent.
By the time you introduce solid foods to your baby, his tummy should be developed enough to handle "normal" nitrate exposure.
Kalo saya boleh narik kesimpulan, boleh saja nitrat diberikan mulai usia 6bln, karena bayi 6m+ sudah punya asam lambung yang bisa melawan racun nitrat. Racun nitrat lebih disebabkan oleh kondisi air untuk memasak/minum, dan lingkungan pertanian tsb. Kenapa banyak rekomendasi di atas 8m? balik lagi karena kondisi negara berkembang yang lingkungannya rentan, kontaminasi air, dsb.
- Provides a boy with the courage to explore the outside world -
@shalihare ||