Topic: Babywearing (sling, wrap, carrier etc)

@ mummyhilya

owh jadi ga ganggu perkembangan motorik dia yach?

kalo perkembangan belajarnya gmn? (bayinya aktif bgt, belajar aja tengkurep + duduk sekaligus) ...
tgl mamanya yg ngelus2 dada :p hahahaha

masalahnya di rumah jg lumayan gerah, tapi anehnya ini anak kgk mau pake AC, kedinginan dia jadi rewel (ampon dech bayi koq byk amat maunya :p)
skrg di rumah pake kipas angin aja jadinya (downgrade dari AC ke kipas angin :p)

makanya klo panas, berarti bakalan kgk kepake punya dech
karena ini saya pake utk di rumah biar bisa ngapa2in sambil gendongin dia :)


Topic: Babywearing (sling, wrap, carrier etc)

xiomei secara ketebalan kainnya sih sama kayanya. Tp si boba wrap kainnya lebih halus. Yah ga beda jauh sih. Cuma harganya yg beda jauh hehe
Boleh tuh pantengin flea market. Biasa ad aj yg nge flea.
Feelingnya sih kalo sering2 pergi, boleh punya 2. 1 model wrap, 1 lg carrier hehehe racun yeh :p
Krn klo wrap sering saya cuci, soalnya saya emang gampang keringetan sih ya...


Topic: Babywearing (sling, wrap, carrier etc)

Halo semua, I am a new comer juga :) Salam kenal...
Kemaren lagi browsing2 cari baby carrier eh dapet direct link ke forum ini. Top dah, tapi akibatnya saya tergiur dengan Boba 3G. Padahal awalnya yg masuk pertimbangan BabyBjorn, Ergo sama Infantino. Tapi berhuubung Boba 3G ini feature nya lumayan lengkap jd bikin banting setir dah. Saya naksir karena bisa sampe 20 kg (maklum Hannah bongsor 4 bulan udah 8 kg lebih dan tinggi 70 cm an) trus ada tempat kakinya itu loh.
Akhirnya semalem udah order deh tu Boba Kangaroo, sekarang lagi ga sabar nunggu barang dateng. Moga-moga baby Hannah suka deh digendong pake itu.
Saya pernah gendong pake baby baby carrier yg simple cuma silang belakang, ya ampun malemnya punggung sakit semua mpe meriang hiks.. Gendongan sling jg ada tp kok saya ga bisa pake dengan enak ya. Alhasil Hannah malah ga nyaman kalo digendong pake itu. Padahal susternya kalo gendong pake sling itu enak banget kayaknya bisa nemplok.
Sebenernya saya rada kawatir pas pilih2 SSC, karena posisi bayinya itu kan ngangkang yah, kata orang jaman dulu ga bole tu anak kecil ngangkang gitu kalo blom cukup umur. Bener ga sih moms?


Topic: Babywearing (sling, wrap, carrier etc)

hannahaimee kayanya sih soal ngangkang itu mitos deh ya hehehe saya jg paling ga bisa pke gendongan tradisional maupun sling. Adanya anaknya ga betah dan bahu saya sakit huahua
Asik nih nambah lg geng boba kangaroo hehehe diaper bag strapnya itu menolong bgt. Ga usah bener2in tali tas yg melorot lg hihihi
Klo pke bjorn emang ga gt ngangkang tp pas anaknya ud mulai gedean kasian. Kan berat badannga semua numpu d selangkangan. Kaya d gantung gt. Istilahnya kecepit kali ya...


Topic: Babywearing (sling, wrap, carrier etc)

iya mamamiao bener tuh saya jg kepikir kalo pake model babybjorn kok kasian apalagi kalo baby nya cowo hehehe.. Tadi pagi iseng (pdhl Boba nya blom dateng) saya cobain Hannah (4 bln) posisi gendong depan dng kaki ngangkang dan dia enak2 aja, pdhl kmrn sempet kepikiran juga ini ngangkangnya kudu super lebar karena mami papinya perutnya gendut hahahha... Ternyata posisi seperti itu malah baby nya comfort yah kayak duduk biasa.
Oya about bag strap, itu jg salah satu plus poin kmrn pilih Boba, maklum maminya rempong suka bawa2 hand bag juga :p
Duh ga sabar nunggu Boba Kangaroo dateng =)


Topic: Babywearing (sling, wrap, carrier etc)

hannahaimee iya. Apa lg kalo emang baby nya bongsor. Biasa kan kakinya lebih panjang juga hehe btw... Jangan lupa beli drool pad juga. Buat ngelindungin strapnya dari di gigit n d emut2 bayinya. Waktu itu saya ga beli nyesel sendiri. Abis d ilerin tuh strap yg samping kiri kanan itu. Ntah napa para bayi demennnn ngemut itu huhu abis terpaksa d cuci deh... Klo yg ber merk ad merk ergo dan fumbee. Klo yg lokal bs liat d picobella istore (fb) saya jg lg mo pesen hihi yg saya jahit sendiri ud mulai keropos di gigitin neh...


Topic: Babywearing (sling, wrap, carrier etc)

Nice Article from:

How To Spot a Fake Ergo Baby Carrier
June 2, 2012
Can you spot the fake Ergo?


Once my youngest got to be about 19 pounds, I started looking into soft structured carriers to replace our wrap carriers. I decided on the Ergo baby carrier, but was deterred by the price. I went poking around on eBay, and found lots of carriers for way less than retail. I bid and won an Ergo in Galaxy Grey for $69 and $15 shipping. I was so excited to find such a bargain!

After my purchase I started looking up how to do a back-carry, and came across a site showing how to spot a fake Ergo carrier. I had no idea there were counterfeit carriers being made, and became convinced that the carrier I’d ordered on eBay was going to be fake. I contacted the seller, opened a claim, and waited for the carrier to arrive. In the meantime, since I needed the Ergo for a trip, I ordered the same carrier from an authorized Ergo seller to replace the fake one.

The first carrier (the supposedly fake one) arrived, and I was shocked to find that it looked just like the pictures of “real” Ergos on the “how to spot a fake” sites. Down to the logo on the zipper. I dropped my case with the seller and left good feedback, once again thrilled with my bargain.

A few days later, the Ergo from the authorized seller came and I immediately saw a difference. Upon first glance comparing them, the fabric was different, the logo tag was different….yet several things (including the buckles) were exactly the same. I thought maybe it was an old style, but called Ergo customer service to check. The very friendly customer service rep assured me that if it was at ALL different than the one that came from the authorized seller, it was fake. A very, VERY convincing fake. As someone who had never taken a close look at a real Ergo in person before, it’s easy to see why I was fooled.

Let’s compare, shall we?

First came the box. The REAL carrier came in the box on the left, and the FAKE carrier came in the box on the right. I’m not sure if this was an old style box that they used or if they came up with a completely new one on their own, but it was convincing.


Back (again – real on the left, fake on the right):


An old way to tell if your Ergo was counterfeit was to look at the buckles. Real carriers are supposed to say “STEALTH” on the buckles. Well, these fakes are getting good because the buckles on this one are identical. Real on top, fake on the bottom.


One of the first things I noticed between the two carriers was the logo patch. The real one on the left has a very light teal colored upper part of the shell(?), while the fake one is darker blue. Again – if you’ve never seen an Ergo in person before, you could easily be duped.


A look at the front of the carrier. Real on the top, fake on the bottom.



Warning label: Real on the top/left, fake on the bottom/left.


The stitching on the fake carrier is a different color than the fabric of the carrier, while the stitching on the real carrier matches the fabric color. Real on top, fake on the bottom.


The patterned fabric was the same print, but a different shade of grey. The fake carrier on the right had a yellower shade of grey than the real carrier on the left.


The embroidery is REALLY close, but still different between carriers. Real on top, fake on the bottom. Also notice the wonky stitching on the fake carrier on the bottom.


Perhaps one of the most noticeable differences between the carriers were the straps. Compared to the real Ergo, the straps on the fake one are very thin – both in density and width. Real is on the top, fake is on the bottom.


Near identical zipper pulls. Real on the top, fake on the bottom.


The stitching holding the straps to the carrier was very different between the carriers. Real on top, fake on the bottom.


There are other subtle differences, like the shade of grey (hard to pick up in pictures), the shininess of the straps, and a few other things. But overall, what I learned from this lovely experience is to not trust eBay sellers, and if a bargain looks too good to be true – it probably is. These cheap counterfeits are not held to the same standards (if any) as real Ergo carriers. Your child’s safety is worth more than saving a few bucks. PLEASE only purchase from a reputable, authorized Ergo retailer!

Authentic ERGObaby carrier retailers: http://store.ergobaby.com/Content/Retailers


Topic: Babywearing (sling, wrap, carrier etc)

mamamiao beli drool pad dimana ya? tengkyuuu :D


Topic: Babywearing (sling, wrap, carrier etc)

Yayyyy Boba Kangaroo udah dateng semalem, langsung dicoba n baby Hannah bengong keenakan sambil digendong. Gak lama dia udah bosen karena ga jalan2 kemana2. Pas nyoba pertama itu, dia langsung emut2 strap nya loh, bener banget. Mpe geli sendiri ternyata semua bayi begitu yah. Alhasil hari ini browsing2 di Picobella Istore, buat order drool pads nya.
Dari hasil nyoba sebentar itu enak banget loh memang pake Boba, ga berasa berat dan ga terlalu beban di tulang belakang, padahal Hannah udh 8 kg lebih dan saya ada back pain. Semoga Hannah anteng deh nanti kalo pergi digendong pake Boba.


Topic: Babywearing (sling, wrap, carrier etc)

crayola di fb ada pagenya. Namanya picobella istore. Jualan drool pad yg imut2 motifnya haha sy jg lg pesen nih.


Topic: Babywearing (sling, wrap, carrier etc)

hannahaimee latihan mpasi pake strap boba yah haha saya aj milih mootif drool padnya ampe lamaaa. Abis lucu2 sih. Wkwkwk
Klo gendong d punggung enak bt d bawa beres2 rumah hihi


Topic: Babywearing (sling, wrap, carrier etc)

buibuuu, mw konsultasi, kmren pas nyobain bobita dibabyshop baby nya nangis gembrawutan *halah bahasanyaa* langsung batal deh mamahnya nggendong dg stailish huhu jadi nya beli yg model sling merk kumakuma itu
mau tnya nih, klo gini keadaanya masih ad kemungkinan untuk anteng digendong pake wrap gk yah? secara mungkin kmren keadaannya lg panas sama laper dianya. tfs ya mamaaass



Topic: Babywearing (sling, wrap, carrier etc)

Mau share aja. Aku pake huggy wrap udh hampir setahun enak2 aja, kainnya adem n yg pasti ga bikin sakit punggung n pinggang.

Drevasusantidh, waktu pertama kali pake anakku jg nangis2 mgkn krn aku blm pinter makenya sampe keringetan, jd anaknya ga nyaman stlh jago make anaknya diem n sering ketiduran kl dgendong. Mgkn jg anaknya laper n kepanasan.


Topic: Babywearing (sling, wrap, carrier etc)

drevasusantidh klo pertama kli coba sih bayiny emang mesti kenyang n lg anteng. Soalnya pertma kli make pasti rada kaku gt. Kpn2 d coba lg aj :)


Topic: Babywearing (sling, wrap, carrier etc)

Moms, lagi nyari carrier jg nih krn rencananya mau ajak twins liburan keluarga akhir tahun ini... Skrg twins masih 7.5m & beratnya kurang lebih 9kg. Krn belum pernah keluar jakarta tanpa strollers/babysitters, jd deg2an deh mau pergi liburan tanpa helpers :(

Between Ergo performance vs. Ergo petunia vs. Boba 3G--yg most recommended (comfortable & durable) utk 1-2y toddler with short mama, yang mana ya?

© 2011 ng


Topic: Babywearing (sling, wrap, carrier etc)

soreee,, skrg ini lg butuh baby carrier kayanya,, babyku azima 3m6d berat 6,7kg udh mulai berat kalo gendong pakai tangan,, skrg baru pakai bobita wrap, tapi azima krg suka,, mau nanya dong,,

Kira2 baby carrier apa yg recomended utk baby 3m6d yg belum bs duduk? Kayanya kalo ergo, boba 3g, cmc cuma bs buat baby 6bln-an/udh bs duduk ya?

mommy2 pas baby usia segitu pada gendong pakai apa sih? :D


Topic: Babywearing (sling, wrap, carrier etc)

oia,, kira2 pognae sama cmc (dgn harga yg sama kalo ga salah) lbh recomended mana ya?


Topic: Babywearing (sling, wrap, carrier etc)

oia,, kira2 pognae sama cmc (dgn harga yg sama kalo ga salah) lbh recomended mana ya?


Topic: Babywearing (sling, wrap, carrier etc)

anya18 kalo sejauh ini rasanya dari segi kualitas n comfort antara boba sama ergo sama aj deh ya. Sama2 populer sih haha.
Boba 3G sandaran punggungnya lebih tinggi dr ergo. Jd menurut saya lebih aman soalnya anak saya suka ngelonjak2 kegirangan kalo d gendong hehe trus ad parkiran kaki jd kakinya ga ngegantung. Dan... Ad diaper bag strap jd ga heboh betulin tali tas yg melorot2.
Tapi ergo kantongnya lebih besar ya. Kalo boba 3G kantongnya emang lebih dari 1, tapi kecil2. Dan ergo kayanya pilihan warnanya banyak ya.


Topic: Babywearing (sling, wrap, carrier etc)

mamamiao mamarenza
makasiiiiy banyak infonya. besok bakal dicoba lagi dengan situasi kenyang dan dibawah ac. hueheheh wish me luck! ;)



Topic: Babywearing (sling, wrap, carrier etc)

sarahuzma sebenernya boba 3G n ergo itu bs d pakai sejak new born loh :)
Tp kalo ergo mesti beli insert nya lg kalo bt newborn ato baby yg rada kecil. Meskipun ga bs duduk kan badannya nempel ke kita. Kurleb lah sama wrap. Tp lebih adem aj kali ya hehe
Pas anak saya usia segitu saya pake sleepy wrap sama combi carrier magical compact 4 in 1 yg ad newborn insertnya (modelnya kaya baby bjorn) tp pake carrier gitu lama2 sakit pundak dan anaknya ga comfy mungkin krn selangkangannya kejepit gt kali ya...

Ga pernah pake pognae sama cmc hihi sorry ga bs bantu


Topic: Babywearing (sling, wrap, carrier etc)

sarahuzma, cmc juga bisa dipake buat bayi yang belum bisa duduk dengan tambahan infant insert, infant insert ini dijual terpisah untuk lebih jelasnua bisa dilihat di Fb Momo produsen cmc
eh btw, kenapa cmc dibandingkan dengan pognae? kan harganya jauh beda?

I'm feeling the most enormous heart bursting love for my daughter, Olivia


Topic: Babywearing (sling, wrap, carrier etc)

@mamamiao, thanks rekomendasinya ya! Semalam jg sudah browsing2 & ketemu carriers comparison yg lengkap di http://www.theportablebaby.com/carrierfeatures.html, dari sana jadi mantap untuk beli 1 BOBA classic 3G utk salah 1 twins. Sebenernya pengen beli 2 BOBA, tp sayang budgetnya ya?

Makanya masih penasaran dgn kualitas CuddleMe ergonomic carrier (yang juga BOBA-inspired), apa kualitasnya memuaskan/mendekati BOBA? Any more reviews please? ;)

© 2011 ng


Topic: Babywearing (sling, wrap, carrier etc)

@ anya18 : biasa klo saya pergi2 ke tempat tertentu yg emang ga stroller friendly pasti boba jadi andalan.... Hmmm... Gmn klo boba yg 1 lg beli flea aja hihihi secara anaknya ud lumayan gede ya. Klo pke sling biasa pegel jg. Ato 1 lg ergo? Tp harganya Hampir sama sih :p

Alternatif lain ya cmc hehe


Topic: Babywearing (sling, wrap, carrier etc)

cmc udah banyak reviewnya kok, mba nuning produsen cmc juga sebelumnya pake boba dan bilang cmc oke dari segi harga dan kualitas (tapi ini kata produsen loh ya...hehe..)

aku sendiri pemakai cmc dan puas, bahannya katun dan sturdy

cuman kelemahannya di motif ya, cmc kan polosan aja gitu sedangkan boba motifnya lucu...
tapi cmc bentar lagi launching cmc bermotif juga loh..

ohya kalo emang pengen beli boba kenapa ga coba rental aja dulu?

I'm feeling the most enormous heart bursting love for my daughter, Olivia